Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Plan X

At one point yesterday afternoon i was done with my current life. Stacey and I were discussing staffing issues and i was done : not angry, sad, frustrated or having a bad day, just done with what i am doing right now and ready to move on. I decided that if i am living Plan A (which is what you call the life you are currently living even though we all know this is no where CLOSE to my actual Plan A), then Plan B is to become a cross-country locomotive conductor with CSX. I could get a lot of new states, meet new and interesting people (and not just hobos, Erin) and learn whole new skill sets. The website is very informative -did you know that there are special college classes you take to be a train conductor? - but not very forthcoming about salary. And i do really like being around people. Equally appealing is Plan C : to get married, move to the country and have 6 kids. Okay, given my advancing age i might have to adopt some of those kids, but i am still viable for a few. Of course, there is the issue of not having any candidates for the first part of the plan. Apparently, according to some, i am picky about men. No, no, i say, i am actually picky about everything and quite frankly i prefer the term “exacting” to “picky” anyway. I just don't believe in settling. So if you know anybody who is smarter than me, funny, well-read and adventurous while having the same faith in God and inflated sense of honor as me and who is ambitious and driven, but emotionally available and sexually compatible to me and is not too horribly disfigured, please send him my way. Oh, and did i mention NOT already married to someone else, please. Jason and Kate were over for ice cream last night (mmmmm... party leftovers) and we discussed this. It isn't that i am unhappy with where i am in my life – i LOVE my job and am healthier and happier than i have been in... well, maybe ever. I just don't have any new goals right now. Matt and I were talking about goals a few nights ago and it really hit me today that i have no big goals laid out in front of me. I have been living a life of survival for a long, long time and i don't want to just survive anymore. So i posed the question to Kate and Jason “what do you think i should do next?” Jason put forth that it would have to be high-energy, utilize my organizational strengths and creativity. He started at party planner, went to event planner, then cruise director (Colleen has called me the “Cruise Director of Our Destiny”) and finally settled on special events director at a smallish, liberal arts college. Not bad. It certainly holds some interest for me. After some sleep and a bit more reflection I think there is a possibility that i might just REALLY need a vacation, but it is interesting to think about, so, dear friends, what do YOU think should be the next Plan in the Nikiverse?


Francie the "wise" said...

You could run for President. I hear that job will be up for grabs soon. Or you might consider that it may not be a new job you a looking for but a new something else. Take up a charity project and organize some fundraisers. Form your own charity if you like. You know, you could also start adopting kids now sans husband. You could always become a foster parent -- now that would be a challenge.

Niki said...

Interesting suggestions. Unfortuantely, i could NEVER get elected to any office a i am mostly a no-BS kinda person. And i'd never have kids without a husband. Even if i could afford a single adoption i would never, ever do it.
Foster parent... hmmmmmm... that one might warrant some research.

Scrap A Latte Girls said...

I could totally see you as a wedding planner - you have the energy and the creativity. Hey, you may even meet someone who looks like Matthew McConaughey - not bad on the eyes. Think about it. Jean

Melanie said...

Why am I not surprised that Jason's suggested included a small liberal arts college? :)

Baby Robin said...

Hey Niki - I know where you should be. At my house organizing my scrap stuff and the rest of the house! LOL!!

Unknown said...

You could wander the earth, righting wrongs wherever you find them. Wait -- I'm thinking of Kane in Kung-Fu. But you could totally do that too.

Niki said...

hmmmm... i do like to go barefoot and i do like to kick bad guy ass - i'm not so sure about the hair, though.