Monday, March 10, 2008

The Good and the Bad

You know how much i love the art i see in schools. I love the colors and the textures and the wild abandon that the kids and their teachers put into every piece. Some are beautiful, some not so much. Some showcase true talent, some not so much. Some make me laugh out loud. Good or bad I am often amazed by the creative things i see in schools. I was at a private school in DC when i was struck by the wide, WIDE range that school art can have. In the corner of the kitchen, on top of the fridge was this Oh, paper mache - you are not a forgiving medium, are you? Is this a green goat? A lizard in a skirt? A battle ready orc? A giant paper weight? The ugliest kid in the tall flags section of the marching band? Play leftovers? Something from the world's most twisted diorama? What IS it? Why is it in the kitchen on top of the fridge? On the door leading into the kitchen was this Wow. I love, love that mural. I loved trying to pick out all of the different artists whose styles were represented. I especially love that these 2 pieces of school art are only about 10 feet away from each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the one on top of the fridge is the Gorn from Star Trek.

Personally, I think the one about Captain Kirk applies well to me.
