Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Maoli Art in Real Time

There was a unique opportunity at the conference, where one of the larger meeting rooms had set up for a display of contemporary Hawaiian art. Right inside of the door to the left was an information table about local Honolulu art galleries and local musicians playing live. Along the wall inside the door to the right were tables of art books and goods for sale. Throughout the rest of the room there were walls and tables set up to display all manner of art by native peoples. From abstract paintings, The Land of Dreams, Solomon Enos to realistic watercolors, lost the artist tag to beautiful historic renderings Hawaiian Coat of Arms, Brook K. Parker paintings were flanked by sculpture that was traditional, Wahine sculptures by Pat Pine, royal portraits by Brook K. Parker modern, no artist tag abstract, Balancing Time and Space, Bob Freitos practical, (though still breathtakingly beautiful) and an amazing amalgamation of traditional spirit with modern sensibilities. i was too freaked out to get close enough to read the artist tag It was a treat to see different ways that artists expressed themselves given a common heritage. One way to get to know a culture is to see not only the art of its past, but the art being created by its progeny.

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