Monday, August 31, 2015


With this crazy, swirly summer i have taken a few days to visit my mom in Ohio, which reminds me that i never posted a fun post that i teased months ago.
So let's re-tease this picture:

Hopefully i will actually get to that post before something else crazy happens.

Yesterday i had brunch with my mom and sister.
It was relaxed and wonderful
There are no pictures because there were mimosas instead.

I have seen my sister and brother both in the last two months and they both made me sausage and biscuits.
Their recipes were very different, but both were incredible.
I don't remember really having that for breakfast growing up so i find it funny that all three of  us love it.

Speaking of my brother, here is a picture of me at the shooting range we went to when i was visiting:
Why not.

I have updated the 101 List and added a day counter to the sidebar. 
We are 8 months into the 43 and i am mostly pleased with myself. 
There has been progress on 31 of the goals. Considering that i took the last few months off from, well, everything that is pretty good.
I think there is only one goal that i might not be able to make up in the remaining time: #64, give blood 16 times. 
The Red Cross has really strict rules about how often you can donate and my original goal was really ambitious.
To see the list you can click on the page below my header or click here.

Miss Miriam came over for dinner and i tried a new crockpot recipe, which helped 2 goals at once.
I made crockpot eggplant lasagna, adapted from here.
Next time i will add about 30 more minutes to the cooking time, but overall i would call dish a success. Plus it went really well with the watermelon daiquiris. 

This is the most cheerful pair of foo dogs i have ever seen.
I am not sure i would trust them to protect much.

Pikachu, i choose you! made of Peeps:

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