Thursday, March 8, 2018

I would have made up this word if it didn't already exist

Language is a tool to be used for clear communication. It is no secret that i often combine, add pre- and post-fixes and plain make up words to get exactly the meaning i need.
One of my favorite things about researching Thesaurus Thursdays has been discovering words that seem to have come straight from the Niktionary and this week's is a doozy:
AMOREVOLOUS -  an anglicised version of the Italian adjective amorevole (loving) to mean kind and affectionate, possibly from the 1600s [primary source]
Isn't it wonderful? Dare i say marvelous? In fact, i would.
It takes the feel and power of marvelous and makes it stronger by specifying that someone or thing is marvelous in the way that s/he/it/they loves and cares and shows affection.
It describes a wonderous kindness and i can support that.

This is Rickki Rea.
My champion through life's crap.
She's amorvelous.

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