Monday, March 16, 2009

Niki of the Dead

My plans to return to work on Friday didn't quite pan out. Fighting the virus all week left the door open for bacteria and late Thursday night it became quite apparent (i won't explain how, but it involves phlegm) that something else was wrong. Hello bronchial infection. Hello antibiotics. Hello three more days of laying on my couch. I had to call out Friday, Friday night and Sunday. Today i am indeed sitting at my desk. I've made it through the e-mails and voice mails and after lunch i attack my in-box. I need a nap. I am feeling much better, am off of OTC decongestants, only have a little cough left and feel only slightly like a zombie.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you back on the bridge, captain.

Rea said...

I'm glad you are on the other side of illness...and wait...what's that...goodness, welcome Spring!

Jerri-Lea said...

Hope you are feeling better! Good job on using algebra... you are absolutely right on how many peacocks & pigs! Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I felt guilty about laughing at your post. I'm sorry. Also, I enjoyed reading it. Boy, I suck.

Niki said...

We don't judge laughter here in the Nikiverse - you gotta take your comedy where you can find it.