Monday, May 28, 2007

I Want a Harley

I really like motorcycles. I really want one - preferably a Harley. I love the sound, the look, the power. Of course, there's the matter of how expensive they are. And the tiny matter of how my feet don't reach the ground. sigh.
Yesterday, I was driving to Colleen's as a motorcycle club from New Jersey, called the Jesters (proudly proclaimed by their matching vests) roared onto the Capitol Beltway.
They were all on Harleys of different colors and shapes, including this beautiful custom red chopper:
I want a motorcycle.
As i continued driving, more and more cycles appeared on the Beltway. After Colleen and i left Arlington and went west on I-66 we kept seeing motorcycles. There were hundreds of them. I kept thinking there must be a rally somewhere. We never found out what was going on, but some guys I was talking to at dinner said that many clubs go to The Wall for Memorial Day.
Colleen and I starting talking about how fun it would be if i got a Harley with a sidecar. We were laughing pretty hard about it, when what to our wondering eyes should appear:
Who knew? I want one.

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