I am having one of those days...
- the phone rang at 4:25am with a team member in tears, she is so sick she has to go to Patient First and needs her shows covered
- the only person who can cover her show is
supposed to be with me; call her at 5am, she feels like crap (
did i mention this is only her second week back from open-heart surgery?) but she will cover the shows and sleep in between
- at 5:10 i call the next team member who is
supposed to be in-house to get her to come with me
- at work at 8:35 my logistics coordinator comes in long enough to say she is leaving for a doctor's appointment cause she has some sort of plague
- at 9am the team member who is
supposed to be filling in with me comes flying to my desk, pale and not in uniform : her mom is in a coma - I am NOT making this up - I get her set up to drive to Virginia and take the rest of the week off
- 9:15am, call tomorrow's school to see if they can reschedule for
Friday since we are triple booked tomorrow and i am down between 2 and 4 performers
- 9:20am, call the last team member to tell her she is going to be on-stage with me and make sure she is in uniform (
and to be sure she has all of her limbs and is not bleeding out off her eyes, etc)
- 9:30am, wondering what the heck happened this morning, and looking to vent a bit.
I still have to drive to PA do a show by myself with a partner that has never even seen it, drive back and
immediately run a theater training session from 5:30-8:00pm.
Pray for me, people.