Wednesday, June 17, 2009

sleeping with drums

I have been visiting my friends Melanie and Mike for a few days in Chapel Hill, NC. Conveniently Ron was driving to his parent's house in FL and he offered to detour off of I-95 to bring me here. It is the first time i've been to this house, which is nestled on a hillside surrounded by forest. It is amazing; unfortunately, it has been raining since we got here so i can't get any shots of the landscape to share.
We arrived around 11:15pm Sunday night after a hellacious trip and everyone was pretty tired. At least everyone seemed pretty tired before Mike showed us where i would be staying - the music room. How cool is it that there is a guest bed in the middle of Mike's musical equipment? Especially if the guest in question is crazed music geek, like me?
I love that the guitars are used as decoration
and i would be sleeping with drums
Needless to say we'd lost Mike and Ron for the rest of the night.
Mike played guitar
Ron played the drums
and Stanley supervised.
We had hit a lot of traffic driving down and it was so relaxing to hang out while the boys jammed. Mike turned off the overhead lights for a while so there was only the light from the bathroom and the blue glow of the guitar clock.
  mmmmm... atmospheric
I tried to get some pics of them without being disruptive which was pretty easy with the guitar but a bit harder with the drums - every time i loved the shot he moved before it captured. This camera only has like a one second delay, but a drummer could move 5 times in that span and you can't very well tell him to hold still!
I decided to listen from the adjoining rumpus room so that i could read (kinda hard to see in the blue glow). Every so often i would hear a new mix of instruments as the boys changed up
and at one point they even joined me as the piano doesn't fit in the music room.
Melanie retired around 2:30 and i think the rest of us packed it in around 4am.
Have i mentioned how much i love music?


Ron said...

This one is in D minor the sadest of all keys. It's called "l......."

Anonymous said...

The socks and shorts are an awesome combination. What a dork.


The guitars

Niki said...

You know, guitars, give the guy a break : it was 3 am and his babies are in the hospital. You should be grateful he actually picked you up.