I have laundry to do i told the road.
I need to go grocery shopping i said.
My studio is a mess i reasoned.
But the road was insistent.
I didn't have to be at work for 48 hours and the sun was shining.
It was time to drive.
towards Skyline Drive. I've told you before how much i love Shenandoah National Park.
I drove for a good long while, stopping at the Visitor Center and various overlooks to read and take pictures. Eventually i made my way to
Big Meadows Lodge at mile marker 53 where i rented a cabin for the night.
It was tiny, but clean and cozy.
It did have one cool feature, though
There will be a separate post about my midnight adventures with this fireplace. After settling in, i was off to find a good place to watch the sunset.
How far of a drive was it?
(Bird Nerd Alert) - While in Big Meadow in Shenandoah, we saw more eastern bluebirds than I knew could exist in one place.
Oh, Shenandoah!
Kaaren - It is 2-3 hours from Baltimoer depending on what road you take. Your husband could give you detailed directions and time estimates; you know that's his thing. ;-) n
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