Monday, March 31, 2008

Life Happens...

I have avoided the dreaded (fabulous) Red Box (phew) and I'm back for a second post tonite. I have something I need to share, but first ***WARNING!*** COMPLETE LACK OF SPARKLE-PONIES Beloved Logistics Coordinator Wendy called out of work. Her husband died over the weekend. Really. He wasn't particularly old. He wasn't in perfect health (honestly, who IS?), but he wasn't terminally - or even critically- ill. He'd been home from work with the flu (we thought). Wendy went home after work on Saturday and he was dead. In their bed. Really. Wow. I have no comment on that. It just made want to reach out across the distances that separate us all and touch each one of you. I hope every person i have ever spent any length of time with knows exactly how i feel about them. Do YOU know how i feel about you? Have I told you what impact YOU have had on my life? Have you told everyone you know how you feel about them? Life is a blink, people. Don't waste it.


Kaaren said...

Wow. that's....I'm stunned. That's sad.

Rea said...

Even though she has no idea who I am....tell her she is in my prayers.