Monday, July 28, 2008


Here in the Nikiverse balance is not necessarily found in the middle; generally, balance is struck with the extremes existing at the same time. You've met me, right? Extrovert and introvert, thoughtful and bombastic, intellectual and emotional. Somehow, it works for me. It also seems that my life is usually balanced in the same way - no middle-of-the-road path for us, oh no. Today, i had not one, but TWO new people start at work! We are fully staffed for the first time in 14 months! YES!!! What seemed to be a summer cold was actually an impacted infection that has been resistant to antibiotics. I'm running a fever that won't break and my ear has closed up like it is stuffed with cotton. So basically i had a great first day getting to know team members AJ and Alex, but was kinda high on prescriptions and couldn't really hear what they were saying. nice.


Erin said...

You forgot demure and dainty....

Erin said...
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Anonymous said...

Don't take Levaquin!