No, i mean a MESS:
How can i possibly expect to be productive and create everyday in the midst of such insanity?
Right now i have all of my jewelry making things set up on a card table in the living room.
As festival season quickly approaches [JEWELRY SHOW FEB 2-3] and i get closer to (possibly) a full retail space of my own i need to stream-line my studio, make it more useful and clear away the clutter.
To that end, Rea and I are doing an on-line class together called the Get Organized 2013 Challenge. It is 8 weeks long and we are going to stay on top of each other to get this done.
One of the assignments for this week is to tell people about the challenge to create accountability.
We all know where i turn for accountability - HI!
As i was watching the first webinar on Tuesday i really looked at my studio space for the first time in a long time and realized that all of the furniture is exactly where i had the movers place it in May 2006. hmmmmmmm... All of those decisions were made before i really knew how i would use the space and a lifetime before it became my real life work.
Tonight i move around all of the storage shelves to make them more accessible and logical for how i work at the table.
Yes, i realize i can't get to the table yet, but we gotta do this one step at a time.
4 comments: know what would help? Storage...If only you knew someone with an empty and in great condition dresser, and even an entertainment center, just waiting for you to come and take them home, and use them, and store things in them....
I'm with Erin!!
Happy Birthday, BTW, Erin!
You can do it!
Aw, thanks for the birthday wishes! Means a lot =)
Once i get all the stuff moved, Erin I'll know where i can put new pieces.
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