Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's a Deal!

Though my 2010 Resolutions are no more, i have decided to continue the at-least-one-new-thing-a-month thing this year.
In fact, i had so much fun doing new things big and little that i think i'd like to make it a goal to do a new thing every month for the rest of my life.
January has almost slipped by, but i did manage to get 2 new things done.
 I'm sure many of you are familiar with Living Social Deals, where every day a local business offers some sort of coupon to subscribers of the newsletter; as you can see from the list in that link, they have deals for cities all over the world. I've been getting the email for the Baltimore deals forever, but never bought one.
 Until now.
There was a deal on a local bakery's cupcakes for only $1 a piece. Who could could turn down $1 cupcakes? Now i have a prepaid voucher for a dozen cupcakes anytime in the next 6 months. It'll come in handy for a party or something.
Not to mention new.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm signed up with "Groupon" for Baltimore and it's totally cool too! From that I bought discounted dental check-ups and massages!