Friday, June 13, 2008

260 miles, 0 pictures

My friend Matt is briefly in town from California so we continued our tour of possible campuses in and around Philly (it seems like it's most likely gonna be med school, but now the question is P.A. program or traditional M.D) yesterday with Thomas Jefferson, Drexel and Philadelphia University. When we parked on South Street for lunch I left my camera in the car. How? I mean the thing is normally attached to my body! Somehow, though, i didn't have it. I was so sad as i walked by a bright yellow phone helpfully labelled "TELEPHONE" and a new red streetlight still wrapped in foam cushioning (what does a streetlight need protection from, besides a car; some foam isn't gonna help with that!) and a sign with 2 people carrying a giant key and the "No Strollers" sign on the adult apperal & toys shops and palm trees in the concrete and murals about beer and mosaics, mosaics, mosaics... i know you get the idea and feel my pain... But, though i have no cool pics to share from our adventure, I was very pleased to see that even without the camera in my hand I have trained myself to really notice the little things around me. That makes me smile. So does spending the day with one of my favorite people.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Whew, when you said you left your camera in the car in Philly, my first thought was that you were going to say you came back and it was stolen. Glad that wasn't the real ending to the story!