Made in the 30s
I've used it once for cookies, which was lovely, but not really what i envisioned.
On Sunday i had fTM Karen and her MIL Nancy over for lunch and a bit of crafting. I was excited because entertaining is a new thing for me in this apartment because of the woefully inadequate kitchen. I have decide that instead of lamenting the kitchen i simply need to learn to work around it.
When Karen requested my curry chicken salad i knew that i could finally use my pink glass server.
Look at how good it looks with tiny luncheon sandwiches on it.
Exactly what i imagined.
It just fits a dozen mid-sized potato rolls, so i filled half with curry chicken salad and half with shaved honey ham and muenster cheese.
Once the table was set with everything else (i had regular and BBQ chips, mini celery and carrot sticks and cucumber-red onion salad) i felt really elegant and put together pulling my sandwich-covered glass server from the fridge; there might have been some flourish as i set it down in the center of the table.
Very nice and springlike!
that pink glass is delish!!!! I just love canadianna glass myself-age is later than depression glass and hand formed (I even took a glass blowign class once!) I think pink strawberry cupcakes with light pink fluffy icing topped with a fresh berry would be a great photo opp too!
Sassy - i don't know much about Canadian glass... sounds like something else i might need to research and then collect
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