Monday, November 3, 2008

earning your altruism

For years i have clicked on the Hunger Site to donate rice, but last week Stacey introduced me to another site called FreeRice. There are vocabulary words with multiple choice answers for the definition; if you answer correctly, 20 grains of rice are donated to the organization. Plus there are 60 difficulty levels of words and your level goes up and down with your answers. OH! and you get to watch your bowl fill up with rice! So you can learn new words, feed your competitive nature and give to the poor all at the same time. It's BRILLIANT (and a bit addictive, watch out). Thanks for sharing, Stacey.


Francie the "wise" said...

This is clearly about to become my favorite time waster. Did you see that if you go to "change subjects" you can play in different languages, or you can identify the painters of various paintings, or you can choose chemistry (which I guess asks you to identify chemical symbols -- I don't know; I didn't try this)?

I just played in English and German.

Niki said...

Crap - you mean there's even MORE ways for it to be addictive?

Anonymous said...

you're welcome...don't tell Pete