Sunday, August 26, 2012

40 While I Was 40

*note added on Aug 30*

With all the summer upheaval i never reported on my 40 While I Am 40 project.
Having a set of tangible goals that covered everything from art to hobbies to travel to health posted in the studio staring me in the face every day really inspired me to try harder throughout the year.
It was also a great learning experience in how to set goals for myself; NYResolution #3 Set reasonable goals for myself was a direct reflection of this project. In fact, upon examination i realize right now that all 4 of my NYResolutions for 2012 came from this project.
 In setting up the 40 i would make 1 goal something that would take 7 months to finish. That is great for long range vision, but it made the list impractical to finish. There are many goals that i worked on, but wasn't able to complete. I've come to the conclusion that the only way i could have finished the list was to not sleep or have a job.
But, with full disclosure, i have to admit that some of the goals that might have taken 10 hours didn't get done either because they were so small they got lost in the shuffle.
All in all, it was a valuable experience though i don't foresee a 41 While I'm 41 list in my future.

NOTE: in case you are curious here is the updated list, but it only reflects tasks completed; there are seven others (To Be Read shelf; visit siblings; volunteer hours; local see/do; blog posts; credit reduction; $ for bday celebration) that were worked on, but not finished.

1 comment:

Rea said...

So....I want to rejoice in all the small steps...will you update the list with what was accomplished?